Custom Films / Commissioned Works

I regularly work on custom films and performances and am happy to consider your offer for these.

Work in my genre and style are given priority. I’m mainly a contemporary video-artist and a performer.

Please familiarize yourself with my work.

How does commissioning an art piece work?

When you contact me to consult you on your personal commissioned film or performance, we go over everything entailed.
We decide your choice of duration and media. We then go over pricing, process times and payment options.

What do you receive with a commissioned art work?

Each commissioned film is designed according to agreed specifications. When I work on a customized film, you will receive the selection
of the material filmed which can be subject to up to three rounds of editing. Be sure to view the film several times and note all the modifications
you would like to be done before asking for a round of editing. Only the first three rounds are free of charge. Each new round of editing, after the
three first, will be charged separately.

With a completed film, you will receive a Certificate of Authenticity that verifies the films value and origin, which is an important document for your
original artwork.

For a performance, you will validate one or two milestones, at your choice. The first milestone is the preparation of the script. Once you have validated
the script, the second milestone is its production.

What is the payment process?

All commissioned work requires an upfront payment of at least 50% of the total agreed price. This acts as a down payment and covers the cost of materials.

For larger projects, a contract will be signed that verifies you agree to the custom art piece and understand that this type of artwork takes time and will be unique. The contract will provide that regardless of outcome, the 50% down payment is non-refundable as it covers the artist’s time and materials. I strive to
offer you something that you will be completely satisfied and happy with!

How long do commissioned films/videos and performances take?

Creating a video or a film is a long and complicated process. For a piece of 3 minutes, after the script has been validated and the location identified,
the estimated time is three weeks. Longer for larger projects.

Creating a short performance, under 10 minutes, takes between 3 and 6 weeks, depending on the specifications and other pending projects.

Please be sure to provide me with sufficient notice in advance of any deadlines.

What media does Elena Tyushova work in?

I work with all digital devices, from mobile phones and mini-dv cameras to high definition cameras.

contact me for pricing at

To commission a book or an article contact me at